Association for Computer Educators in Texas


About ACET

Board of Directors


Links, Newsletters, Proceedings

ACET 2015 Conference

30-31 October 2015

University of
Mary Hardin-Baylor

Call for Proposals

Student Presentations



Travel & Lodging

Sponsors & Exhibitors




Our Objectives

  1. To provide an association in the State of Texas dedicated to the specialized areas of both administrative and academic computing. 
  2. To provide for the exchanging and sharing of ideas, techniques, materials and procedures developed for use in educational computing. 
  3. To promote general recognition of the level professional of the administrative and academic data specialists in modern educational systems; and the high level of competence required for those roles. 
  4. To encourage the appropriate use of electronic and computing equipment and techniques for the improvement of administrative and academic computing in educational systems. 
  5. To cooperate with manufacturers and distributors of electronic and computing equipment and supplies, in establishing and maintaining proper technical standards, and in meeting new needs for specialized devices and systems in educational computing systems. 
  6. To provide encouragement and consultation related to the improvement of educational computing and information systems. 
  7. To receive and administer funds for research related to educational, administrative and academic computing purposes, all for public welfare, and in general. 
  8. To exercise any, all, and every power from which a non-profit corporation, organized under the provisions of the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Ace, for educational purposes, all for the public welfare, can be authorized to exercise.

Contact Information


Postal address
31 Serene Creek Pl.
Spring, TX 77382
Fax: 936-273-7343

This page was last modified on August 10, 2015For problems with web pages contact: